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Useful Words and Phrases in istanbul

Usefel Words and Phrases in Istanbul

This list will make your job easier in Istanbul!

Sg = singular; Pl = plural; frm = formal; inf = informa

Welcome Hoş geldin (sg)
Hoş geldiniz (pl/frm)
Hosh geldin
Hosh geldinizz
-o as in top
-g as in get
-o as in top
-g as in get
Hello Merhaba, Mairhubba -air as in hair
How are you? Nasılsınız? (frm) NAHS-suhl-suh-nuhz
I’m fine, thanks. And you? İyiyim teşekkür ederim, siz nasılsınız (frm)

İyiyim sağol, sen nasılsın (inf )

ee-yeem teshek-kur edderrim

Seez nussilssiniz ee-yeem saa-o

-ee as in meet
-e as in get
-u as in French
-err as in merry
-ee as in meet
-aa as in father
-g is silent
-ol as in olive
What’s your name? Adın ne? (inf) Udden ne -e as in get
My name is… Adım Uddem -e as in the
Where are you from? Nerelisin? (inf) Nerrelisseen -err as in merry
Pleased to meet you Tanıştıǧımıza memnun oldum
Memnun oldum
Tuneshte-emezzaa memnoon oldoom
Memnoon oldoom
-e as in the
-g as in silent
-ol as in olive
-ol as in olive
Good morning Günaydın Guni-denn -u as in Fr. Vu
-I as in high
-e as in the
Good afternoon Tünaydın, İyi günler Tuni-denn ee-yee gunlair -u as in Fr. Vu
-I as in high
-ee as in meet
-air as in hair
Good evening İyi akşamlar ee-yee uckshumlaar -u as in luck
Good night İyi geceler ee-yee gejjelair -g as in get
-j as in jack
-air as in hair
Goodbye Allaha ısmarladık Ulla-haa essmaar luddek -u as in cup
Good luck İyi şanslar ee-yee shunsslaar -u as in cup
Yes Evet Evvett
No hayır Hi-yur I as in high
Ur as in fur
Please Lütfen Lutfen -u as in fr. Vu
Have a nice day İyi günler! ee- yee gunlair -g as in get
-u as in fr. Vu
-air as in hair
I don’t understand Anlamıyorum / Anlamadım Unlumme-yawroom
-u as in cup
-u as in cup
Please speak more slowly Lütfen daha yavaş konuşun Luften daa-haa yuvvush
-u as in Fr. Vu
-u as in cup
-o as in top
Please write it down for me Lütfen yazınız Luften yezzenez -u as in Fr. Vu
How much/many? Kaç/
kaç tane?
Kutch taane
-u as in cup
Sorry Özür dilerim (frm),
Pardon (inf)
Ozur deelerrim
-o as in Fr. Peu
-u as in Fr. Vu
-err as in merry
Thanks Teşekkürler. Sağ ol. Mersi. Teşekkürler. Sağ ol. Mersi. -u as in French Vu
-g is silent
-air as in hair
Where’s the toilet? Tuvalet nerede? Toovullett nerrede u as in cup
-err as in merry
-e as in get
How do you say … in
Türkçe’de … nasıl denir? Turktchede nussil deneer -u as in Fr. Vu
-tch as in church
-e as in get
-u as in cup
-u as in cup
-g as in get
-e as in the
-oo as in poor
Call the police! Polis çağırın! Poleess chaaren -o as in olive
-ch as in church
-aa as in father
-e as in the
Receipt fiş Feesh
Please can I have a receipt Lütfen mabuz alabilir miyim? Lutfen muckbooz ullubileer
-u as in French Vu
-u as in cup
-ee as in street

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